Before You Start

A Few Things Before You Start

OPTIONAL AUDIO: Listen to audio recording instead of reading.
Background Music: Journey of the Soul

NOTE: This Course material was created during the initial phases of the COVID19 pandemic – from March thru June 2020. I released phase one in June, but then completed the Course with additional content in Sept 2020. If you are viewing this at a later time, the material is still very relevant to future issues we will be facing as we continue our evolutionary journey. I feel the content is still important to view as part of your deeper understanding regarding various types of energy that will be coming forth in the years to come. The information will be helpful for anyone interested in self-healing and ascension dynamics.
A few things to mention before you get started on this Course. I want to emphasize that this material is for those who have done a fair amount of Light work already and ideally have been working with our QSET Music for some time now. If you have not worked with the music, any other type of similar work is valued. Even if you are new to our work, it would be advisable that you already have some experience with other light-based teachings and technologies. Start with our Toe Dipping & Introduction Courses. The reason for this is that in this Course I am not going over the basics, which I will be in these Beginner Courses. Because of the timing of this Global event I felt that I wanted to get this information out to those who are ready to move past the collective’s experience of this and on to the higher work that is also available at this time. If you know what that means, then you are at the right place. The other aspect of this Course is that it engages with Self-Healing teachings which is outside the mainstream and only you can decide where you are in regards to that – I will repeat the Disclaimer below.
My suggestion for this Introduction is to first watch the Video presentation once or twice, not necessarily at the same sitting. Then watch it again at another sitting without sound, just watch the imagery and let it go in on another level. After that, I would suggest just listening to the audio file without any visuals and just close your eyes. Feel deeper into the messages being shared and allow the visual input from your previous session to unfold further. Each of you will get your own divine messages from this as you do this as it is unique and significant to your path and higher purpose. For the final pass I would read the transcript to allow the words to go into your being on another level. Words or phrases might be bolded which means you can go to the section on Evolutionary Words in the Introduction to DNAvatar Course. If you already have registered for that course, the links will take you directly to the word/phrase you are clicking on. If not, go ahead and register now. 

For Optimal Assimilation on Various Levels using VAK Principles (visual, audio, kinesthetic)

  1. Watch Video
  2. Watch Video without sound
  3. Listen to Audio with Eyes Closed
  4. Read Transcript (click on any bold words for more info)

By doing this in 4 passes, you will assimilate much more information than simply watching the video once and moving on.

Pay attention to the first time you watch the Video – there are 2 sections in the video where I ask you to PAUSE the Video and take a look at the Exercises below. Ideally you should answer the questions presented in the Exercise, but if you prefer not to type out your responses, at least spend a moment on inner contemplation and answer them within your mind.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not to replace any of your current medical protocols or doctors advice. It is an exploration into the consciousness levels of the COVID19 virus for those engaged in awakening and self-healing protocols. It is intended for spiritual explorers only.  There is no basis for truth in the scientific realms – only you can determine your level of understanding regarding this content.  This information is based on the thoughts, ideas and opinions of the author. If you currently have the virus, this Course is not recommended. Please email if you have questions to determine if this is a Course for you.

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