Opening Intro

Opening Thoughts to Consider

OPTIONAL AUDIO: Listen to audio recording instead of reading.
Background Music: Journey of the Soul

Transcript for Video:

Creating this course was not in my original plans for this Program, but I have received various downloads of information  that have been related to COVID19 that I thought I would share with you. These downloads came through in several flashes and insights like a giant wave of information. From there it took me several weeks to interpret into a more linear language. This is information for those of you ready to shift out of the mainstream sources of information and ready to start seeing all of this from a higher perspective,  as well as taking some tangible steps towards a potential empowerment and healing process during this transitional phase. In retrospect, in a future timeline, we will be able to see the current upheaval  as a major transitional point in the shift from 3D to a 5D reality matrix.  The main teaching from this Course, that  I want you to be aware of, is that the negative aspects of reality that  this virus represents do  not exist in 5D templates. Think about that and feel  if you can believe that to be true for you. If you do, then you have initiated the process towards a greater immunity.

As a Lightworker, you will start by working on a deeper level of self healing, growing your Light Quotient and as you consciously initiate and direct  this process you connect with others around you by sharing your Light. Ultimately, this adds to the Collective Energy Field. As  the virus is trying to inject and integrate  itself into our bodies, we need to inject a positive Light-based infused viral meme into the Collective body of humanity in order to assist in the shifting of this current reality construct. This is now considered a new assignment for those of Light in Service. If you choose to be in Service now, it is  time to step up. 

Once this COVID19 situation is in our Collective rear view mirror, this Course will still be helpful in the self-healing aspects of learning how to deal with various new threats and challenges we may encounter as we continue to accelerate our ascension process through these changing times  You will begin to understand this more as we get into the core content of this Course, as you will see how some of these techniques I’m offering will assist you on many other levels of your healing and transformational process moving forward.

We are changing, as is Mother Earth, and that means we are going to have to adjust our body’s ecosystem to be in harmony with new energetic elements in our biosphere and the planet’s electromagnetic matrix.  Slowly, as we work through these various stages we evolve; we integrate with these changes and we move into a higher and more expansive spectrum of resonance in order to maintain balance. This strengthens our Body Temple and prepares us for the next shift in our overall Transformational Journeys. However, on occasion, there may be abrupt changes and we have to test and refine ourselves in order to apply what we have already learned and put this knowledge into practice quickly. As is the case Now. This may require a leap of faith on your part to shift to other thought patterns to get to this next level. Our consciousness has the ability to change rapidly but the physical body is often slower to adapt. Thus, you can see the importance of working consciously and interacting with the DNA Activation process. Developing these skills over these past many, many years should have given you the potential to believe that you can and do have the ability to communicate with, and thus affect your DNA in such a way as to potentially shift your body’s bio- energetic matrix from attracting something like the Coronavirus.  Thoughts and beliefs can be reviewed and revised immediately if need be, and as you do this, you alter the DNA to respond accordingly. As you initiate this process, you awaken new multidimensional frequency packets (MFPs)  in your bio-energetic form to become activated. Viruses can remain dormant for thousands of years waiting for the right configuration of elements to appear. In the same sense, this is also true with our DNA, in that we have millions of potential codes that could activate given the right set of circumstances within our energetic field.

As a Lightworker engaged in the process, have you ever thought more deeply about how we might shift from living in a dense 3D carbon based body into living in a 5D body of Light – Very Gradually is the answer. This current situation is all a part of that process. If you can embrace some of the greater implications of this understanding, you will be more receptive to these changes and will not be blocked by the resistances you have built up over time that have caused you stress and discomfort. Much of the information that is needed now on an energetic level was put into the DNA.L2 series of soundscapes. They are quick and abrupt at times which, through conscious development, allow you to be able to make these necessary energetic adjustments more quickly in your life.

One thing I can say is that if you have been with us for a while and have been working with the soundscapes consistently throughout the years, you already have the access codes within your DNA  to deal with this planetary situation from a higher perspective.


This is an opportunity to see just what one of the music’s higher purposes has been in helping you to Activate your Multidimensional DNA. 

It is about understanding the MFPs (multidimensional holographic frequency patterns) and configurations of energy, of which you do  have some control over. At least by now you should realize that your directed consciousness, your Higher Will integrated with Universal Flow is your most potent Source and Vortex of Power.  Perhaps, by now you are starting to see  how you are fluctuating between fear, worry and concerns for your 3D form’s needs and the higher states of bliss, freedom and creative connection to Source within your 5D form. All the work you have done up to this point with our soundscapes combined with all the other light based tools, techniques and teachings you have used are going to blend and come into play now in order for you to see, more tangibly, just what you have been preparing for. So many of you are now ready to carry out and anchor these 5th World MFPs out into the environment of the world around you. This is your time to Shine your Light in whatever way feels right for you; whatever way aligns most perfectly with how you want to live your day to day life. By this I mean you can choose to do it quietly in your own private space, becoming a beacon or a transmitter or you can reach out to the world in whatever way feels aligned with your creative expression and share that output with others. There are so many venues these days in which one can do that, find the ones that feel the most joy-filled for you and especially NOW, right Now, while we are on an intentional  lockdown to one degree or another. Thus,  the “Lockdown” on a higher level isn’t one at all. It can be an opportunity to connect with deeper levels of your being and the collective. SEE?  Live each day doing the things that are most aligned with your Higher Feelings and Higher Light so that you set your desired unfolding life path pattern into place. When the static  of the world dies down, Windows of Light and Information can more easily shine through.

What are you doing now to shine your Light out into the World – is it in total alignment with who you are on a Soul Level?


*Statements will be made throughout this program that suggest you move towards self-healing and energy clearing work instead of seeking medical attention or pharmaceuticals. Only you can determine this action and know that it takes time to move towards that level of trust within. If you are not at that level of trust then you may need to seek medical advice. This information does not replace any of your medical professionals suggestions or advice. If you need help to determine this, request a Spiritua lGuidance session at the 3rd Eye. If you have contracted the COVID19 virus, it is my suggestion that you do not take this Course. Please reach out if you have any questions regarding this statement.

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