Online Courses for
Conscious Evolution

Meditation | Stillness
Sound Healing
DNA Activation
5th World Alignment
3D/5D Shapeshifting
Shamanic Journeying
Ascension Dynamics

features Music & Meditation Videos
Meditate • ChillOut • Self-Healing • Guided Journeys • Activate 3rd Eye
Sleep • Stimulate Creativity • Enhance Shamanic Journeying
Focused Learning • Entheogen/Psychedelic Explorations
3D to 5D Shapeshifting

START HERE – best place to get to know our work for FREE before you decide to engage Deeper


Live Classes in our MUSE Sound Healing Temple in VRchat 

MUSE Psychedelic Caverns

Events • Classes • Sonic Tripping Concerts • Building 5th World Community of Light

Join us every week for Psychedelic Shamanic Sound Healing & Sunday Chill Meditations

 GROUP INFO      •     MUSE Psychedelic Caverns    •     MUSE Sunday Chill Meditations

DNA Activation Multidimensional Music QSET Sound Healing Awakening
3D to 5D Transformation Intention Energy Body Awareness Meditation Stillness Mindfulness Chakras Higher Self Masters, Angels, Elementals Self Healing Vibrational Medicine Psychic Development 3rd Eye Opening Kundalini Creativity Advanced Learning Shamanic Journeying Pastlife Explorations Magick Manifestation/Abundance 5th World Plant Teachers/Plant Medicine Movement/Dance Lucid Dreaming OBE Astral Traveling Remote Viewing Conscious Dying Shapeshifting Tantra Sexuality Healers/Teachers of Light  Ascension Immortality

DNAvatar Logo

One who engages and fully embodies the ever unfolding DNA Activation process using full awareness and intentional consciousness directed towards manifesting the next level of humanity’s highest potentials.

Empower your Life Path & Purpose

Awaken your Self-Healing Abilities

Generate more Lifeforce Energy

Increase your Manifestation & Abundance

Stimulate your Psychic/Intuitive Gifts

Unleash your Creative Potentials

Activate your Multi-Strand DNA

Enhance your Meditations

Support your Conscious Evolution Journey

Initiate Ascension Protocols

featuring our powerful QSET technology for establishing harmonic resonance throughout multi-dimensional realms of Light . . . .

QSET - Quantum Sonic Empowerment Transmissions
Organic Sounds/Frequencies emanating from Conscious Connection to Source Vibration

“The secret to manifesting your desires and awakening the power of your inner Light are found by learning how to travel deeper into the Self – to the Stillness within. My gift is to help guide you into those spaces so you can discover your own place of Truth and seek the answers to your questions about who you are and what your higher purpose for BEing really is. My courses are created from 40+ years of my own inner explorations as well as thousands of sessions with clients all over the world. I invite you to join me on this DNA Activation adventure so we can all discover our Highest Potentials and help lift humanity to its next level of Conscious Evolution. “

– JoAnn Shivanti

JoAnn Shivanti Chambers

What DNAvatar's are Saying about the Program

I could literally feel the individual notes seeping into my cells and transforming me on a very deep level. I could feel the increased Light in my body. I am a "changed vibratory being" and I have felt a tingle of excitement as I experience a deep Knowingness that I have found exactly what I was looking for at this critical juncture in my Evolutionary Shift as a human BEing.
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SLM, Nevada
This DNA Acitvation program provides information in a manner that anyone can understand and will be beneficial at any stage of their soul’s journey of discovery.
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VJ, Tennessee
This program is a complete transformational experience. Once I started listening to the DNA Activation soundscapes I launched into a journey that changed everything. When you start listening to the soundscapes and participate in your own transformation, the magic happens.
DNAvatar Favicon
AS, Oregon
All this time I have been looking outward to grow. When I could have been looking inward at my DNA. Want change, want to grow in all areas of your life? Then apply the teachings in the DNAvatar in your life.
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EO, Florida
The DNAvatar material is So rich. It's as though everything I've asked for in the last year and the things I need to know right now are being answered for me via these teachings.
DNAvatar Favicon
LW, Ohio
I've been a metaphysical student for many years, and I've never encountered any program like DNA Activation and the DNAvatar Program. The material is fascinating and the results are immediate.
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DL, Florida
I find that this music has helped me evolve my creative writing projects as well as provide me with deeper insights when I’m working in my community at town council meetings. Very powerful and engaging sounds.
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DG, Oregon

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