Becoming Sound

Becoming Sound, Dissolving into a Formless State

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Following your awakening to the vibrational field of energy around you, the next step is to begin to become sound and gradually shift your aware consciousness over to the sounds and dissolve into your natural state of becoming an energetic being of Light. This is a process of moving from intensive awareness of  form (3D) towards a greater awareness of formlessness (5D). This Course is the primary technique you will use to engage deeper with the QSET soundscapes. It will take a lot of practice, patience and perseverance to let go into Sound for longer periods of time. It is during this state of heightened awareness that you will connect most deeply to your Soul Essence which moves you towards a state of ONEness with Source Vibration. 

Course Includes:
2 Video Presentations w/Animations: 25 minutes
Exploration for Redirecting Life Patterns
Guided Journeys & Sound Bath: 67 minutes
Includes full fidelity Soundscape – DNA.L2 Ambient Chill

DNA.L2 Ambient Chill by ShapeshifterDNA

Pre-Requisite Course Recommendations:
Introduction to DNAvatar
Toe Dipping for Beginners
Increasing your Light Quotient
Following the Breath
Course Release Date: 9.12.21

Satisfaction Guarantee – if at anytime during this or any Course, you feel that the information is something you are already familiar with or is not what you wanted, I will offer you credit for the full Course amount which you can use as an exchange for another Course. Reach out on the Contact page.

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