
DNAvatar In Development

Following Sound

Sound is the ultimate bridge between the world of matter and the world of energy. Using sound and tuning into the deeper levels of sounds, pulses, modulations and rhythms is a powerful way to expand your awareness of your bio-energetic matrix. We will expand your 6th sense perceptions to allow and expansion of information to

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DNAvatar In Development

QSET Soundscapes

This course explores each of the soundscapes that have been created. We will share their history and specific guidance we received on how it can be used for optimal results. Podcasts with Gary talking about his personal journey with the creation will also be added. JoAnn will share her insights on personal explorations as well

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DNAvatar In Development

Plant Medicine

Using psychedelics, hallucinogens, ethnocentric, cannibis or herbal concoctions you can delve deeper into you psyche. When used with caution and sobriety from a shamanic perspective, these plant teachers can open up pathways that were previous blocked from your concisousness due to the intensity of some of these past events. We will explore how and when

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